As the days are getting shorter, the cold season has us spending more time indoors, seeking refuge from the cold and dark winter days. Lighting is a key element in creating this comforting atmosphere where we want to sit down and enjoy time with friends and family. If you are looking to improve your home or seeking inspiration for your next design project, these seven tips will help you create a cozy and comfortable space.

1/ Light a Fire
Fire is the oldest of all artificial light sources and is still widely used by much of the world's population as the primary light source. It is not only used for illumination but also gives us heat to feel comfortable in cooler climates. Due to its use over the millennia, fire symbolizes a gathering place where we come together, sit down, and spend time.
These properties, be it the warm light or the symbolistic character can be used and applied to many projects. Maybe your home doesn't have a big inviting fireplace. In this case, you may consider using mini fires as candles instead. Oil Lamps are also possible. Several luminaire producers have come up with contemporary design products featuring the oil flame as a low-tech light source.

2/ Go Warm
There are many spaces like offices or a busy hotel lobby where a burning candle may be inappropriate. In these cases, we can borrow the properties of fire with which we associate warmth, comfort, and belonging and apply them to our lighting scheme. One of these aspects is the light color or light temperature of white light. Light temperature is measured in Kelvin (K), the lower the number the warmer the light source will be. Candlelight is around 2000K, while an incandescent light bulb would typically be around 2700-3000K. The majority of LEDs come in standard values of 2700K (very warm white) 3000K (warm white), 4000K (neutral white), or 5000K (cold white). By choosing a very warm or warm light source of 3000K or below you will get a glowing warm light effect.

3/ Bring It Closer
Placing luminaires below or at our eye level is another trick to trigger our subconscious. Having a glowing light source in reach gives us a feeling of proximity and reproduces the setting of fire as a gathering space. It provides the space with a calming setting, slowing down activities and enhancing social interactions.
Floor Lamps or Table lamps are a great way to start, place the latter on tables, sideboards, or onto bookshelves. Using low-hanging pendants can be another good way to bring the light source closer. The third option is to integrate lighting into architectural features or furniture. Shelves and other display furniture have been used successfully to do so.

4/ Use Irregular Patterns
Rigid or exact patterns and lines have often a technical and manmade feel to them. If you are looking for an accessible and earthy vibe, use patterns consciously and allow for flexibility and variability. Groups of luminaires, varying hanging heights, and different types of luminaires can be variables to consider when changing up a lighting scene. Play with the intensity of perceived brightness, shades of colors, and transparency. Look for ideas in nature, it is full of patterns and regular irregularities. Starry skies, flying glow worms, or the rising embers of a fire.

5/ The Power of Highlights
Light is attractive, in this sense, we are just like insects. We are seeking light and tend to navigate towards light sources. If you could choose a table in a restaurant, one illuminated with a soft warm light and the other in a dark corner, where would you sit down? Use this knowledge to get people's attention and guide them toward where you want them to feel most comfortable and spend time. Highlight architectural elements, materials, and furniture to structure the space and give variability. Directive light sources like spotlights will help you achieve highlights, as they concentrate and direct light precisely. In other cases, a light bulb placed close to a wall can be all it needs to create a highlight and support an engaging space.

6/ Don't be afraid of Darkness
For the highlights to come alive, you will need darkness to contrast them. Too many highlights will blend and start to appear dull. So when planning a lighting scheme do not only think of light, but also think of shadows and darkness. Shadows enhance the complexity of visual perceptions, shape objects, and make them interesting. What is true for objects, applies also to textured materials and entire spaces. So why not start your project from the other end? Think where you wish shadows, what should be left in the dark?
7/ Make Materials work for you

Matte and rough surfaces allow light to be diffused making it appear softer. This helps to create a comfortable and enveloping atmosphere. Polished and shiny surfaces on the other hand reflect light specularly, giving the impression of a hard and cold surface. Also helpful is to use materials that are soft and warm to the touch, they will transport a soft warm ambiance into space. Textiles and wood are both great to use and interact beautifully with light. Also natural stone and materials with warm tones of colors will be advantageous. Choose decorative luminaires made of natural fibers for a soft glow and illuminate wooden or textile features in your room. Don't forget to hide the light source, so the illuminated material is the center of attraction and can be appreciated without the glaring light of an open light source.